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Viimeisin uutuus Andre Clouet'lta: The V6 Experience

André Clouet The V6 Experience

André Clouet, Champagne, Ranska
André Clouet The V6 Experience

45,00 €

ALV. 25.5%

35,86 €

ALV. 0%


Pinot Noir does not mature directly, in linear fashion. Upon reaching its 6th year, it passes into a phase known as “The Whirlwind”. Propelled by an unseen force it reaches outward, taking on another dimension. The wine becomes charged with energy and vibrations. It glows… and becomes transcendent! Deep, bright, effervescent… Taking off and on approach to Celestial Harmony.
As you taste it, prepare yourself to be launched like a rocket ship toward a mysterious, resplendent Star-shine, emanating from the Pinot Noir Galaxy.
3.2.1…. Blast off!

20 % viinistä solerakypsytettyjä reserviviinejä. Kypsytys pullossa yli kuuden vuoden ajan hiivasakan kanssa.


Keskisyvä kullankeltainen väri. Avoin tuoksu on paahteinen, kypsän omenainen, hieman savuinen ja hennon pähkinäinen. Maultaan viini on kuiva, raikkaan hapokas, rakenteikas ja runsaan makuinen.


Robert Parker's The Wine Advocate 93 p: Aged for six years on the second lees, the yellow-golden Brut The V6 Experience is a Bouzy Pinot Noir that displays great purity and intensity but also reduction on the mineral-scented nose. This is deep and complex, but it needs all our patience and perhaps even a decanter or at least a big glass and lots of aeration. The palate is rich and powerful, firmly structured, very tight and still astringent on the finish, but there is so much finesse paired with power, concentration and fruit, which give the V6 a promising future. The wine just starts a bit slowly (like a rocket, which is pictured on the label), but it will most probably go very steep in a couple of years. I have ever had this cuvée before, so I can only guess, though.


Rypälelajikkeet: Pinot Noir

Alkoholi: 12.0%


Alue: Bouzyn Grand Cru kylä Montagne de Reimsin eteläpuolella.


Koko: 0.75 l

Laatikko: 6 kpl/laatikko

Valikoima: Ravintolavalikoima

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