Villa de Corullón 2020

Villa de Corullón

34,41 €

ALV. 25.5%

27,42 €

ALV. 0%


Rypäleet on kerätty 8 eri rinnepalstalta Corullónin kylän läheltä. Yhteensä palstojen pinta-ala on noin 5,85 hehtaaria. Köynnösten keski-ikä on 50-90 vuotta ja satoisuus on hyvin matala, keskimäärin 28 hehtolitraa hehtaarilta.

Viiniä on kypsytetty 10 kuukauden ajan pääasiassa uusissa ranskalaisissa tynnyreissä. Viini on suodattamatonta.


Keskisyvä, kauniin rubiini väri. Tuoksu on mystinen ja tumma, hyvin moniulotteinen ja hieno, nahkaa, kirsikkaa, vadelmaa, yrttejä. Maku on hyvähappoinen, tyylikäs, kypsän hedelmäinen, hienostunut ja pitkä.


97/100p Wine Advocate: I was blown away by the 2020 wines in barrel in June 2021 and found the 2020 Villa de Corullón very ready, open, expressive, floral and ethereal. It destroyed the idea I had of a warm and ripe 2020. Ricardo Pérez Palacios told me he was thinking of bottling the 2020s earlier, as they didn't need a long élevage, just nine or 10 months in barrel. The wine is pale, the palest Corullón ever, with 13.7% alcohol—perhaps the vines got blocked and didn't develop more color compounds or sugar. The wine makes me think of a red from Jura; it has a different profile and is more delicate, ethereal and full of light and energy. Pérez, who hates comparisons with other regions, couldn't stop saying that it felt like a Morey Saint Denis! It's all flowers and red fruit, with lot of super fine tannins (the 2019 tannins are rougher) that are round and give it a velvety texture with no rusticity—elegant and balanced. There is a nice balance between tannin and acidity, something this has in common with the 2019, which makes the vintages quite unusual, because being warm, the wines show balance. Today it feels more like Moncerbal than the Moncerbal bottling; nevertheless, Corullón is around 40% from Moncerbal... It has to be my favorite Corullón to date. 22,183 bottles and some larger formats produced. It was bottled in October 2021. 95/100p James Suckling 94/100p Guia Penin


Rypälelajikkeet: 94% Mencía, 2% Alicante Bouchet, 2% Godello, 1% Palomino, 1% Valenciana, Gran Negro, Negreda, Pan y Carne

Vuosikerta: 2020

Alkoholi: 14.0%


Alue: Bierzo


Koko: 0.75 l

Laatikko: 12 kpl/laatikko

Valikoima: Ravintolavalikoima


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